Thursday, May 12, 2022

Exordium & Terminus

"For what, he never knew, now man's reign is through. But through eternal night, the twinkling of starlight. So very far away, maybe it's only yesterday."

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Quarantined In Dub

Another new stunner of an album; up there with the latest from Horace Andy and Spiritualized as the very best of 2022. A must-own for any dedicated dub fanatic, featuring the best and most ridiculous cover-art. Jammy brings the booming bass and strikes again!

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

We Can Be Together

We were young, broke, and likely knew in the back of our minds that we were not in it together for the long run. We were both unprepared to raise a child on every level possible, nor did we want a child. After much thought and discussion, we decided that abortion was the only option. It was far from an easy CHOICE for either of us, though ultimately it was my girlfriend's CHOICE to make.

We had to borrow money for the procedure and the entire experience was incredibly tough and emotionally draining, especially dealing with the nutjob Forced Birthers protesting outside of the clinic. I look back with no regrets. It was the right CHOICE for us to not bring an unwanted chid in to this world — and as far as I know, neither does my ex-girlfriend.

When the government dictates women's fundamental right to be in charge of their own bodies and future, it is not the time to stay silent. Donate, vote, and take to the streets to fight back against the growing fascistic Theocracy in any way that you can.

I’s high time for a general strike.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Queen Of The Beatniks

Judy Henske
Rest In Peace

Henske never got the due she deserved, even though the fantastic psychedelic album Farewell Aldebaran she recorded with Jerry Yester has gained underground record nerd acclaim over the years. For my money though, it’s these two albums that should be known the world over. Hopefully she’ll gain some much deserved posthumous recognition now that she’s gone.